
Fitday – A Free Resource For Tracking Calories

Years and years ago, I signed-up for a free account at Fitday – and online calorie-tracking site.

I decided to see if my account was still “active” – so I went to Fitday today and, sure enough, my account is still working.

The site is pretty awesome – I can enter the foods that I’ve eaten and the site will track how many calories I’ve consumed – and will break the foods down into calories, fat, carbs, etc.

Here’s my chart as of noon today:

I really like this tool – and it has several other features (track workouts, vitamin intake, etc.) that I want to start using.

By the way, I have a new favorite meal:

Precooked Turkey Bacon – Orange Slices – Kosher Dill Pickle  – Diet Mountain Dew

(And yes, I realize that I’m eating way too much sodium…)

3 thoughts on “Fitday – A Free Resource For Tracking Calories

  1. Hi there–I’ve kept up with both your finance and health blogs over the past several months, and figured I’m offer another site as a suggestion in addition to Fitday.

    Admittedly, I’ve never used FitDay, but I’ve been a fairly large proponent of SparkPeople for years now. It’s the sort of thing that I go off and on with, but every time that I’ve been on it, I’ve succeeded in losing weight. In addition to just a calorie counter, it also tracks fitness and calories as well as additional goals, measurements, etc.

    It also provides a personalized diet plan, has a great resource for recipes, etc. Finally, it has a tremendous community, forums, and experts available on its site as well.

    It’s also completely free as is FitDay. As a quick note, I have no affiliation with the site, just an extremely satisfied user. I’ll again state that I’ve never used FitDay, so I can’t speak to pros & cons of each service, but I wanted to point out another resource that might be of assistance to you as you try to improve your health.

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