
Taking A Day Off

I didn’t stick to my diet today.  Intentionally, I just ate whatever I wanted to eat.  I’ll be honest, I feel terrible, but I’m hoping that this day of “junk food” might shock my system and break my stall.

I also skipped the gym, I took a nap, and I did a lot of things that I haven’t been doing lately.  Ugh.  I feel like a slug.

It’s amazing how awful my “old” lifestyle feels, even for a day!  Again, I’m doing this, not because I want to loaf around and eat junk, but because I’m trying to break my stall.  I’m only going to do this once, and then it’s right back on plan.

Hopefully, I’ll wake up tomorrow and I’ll feel much better than I do now.  I have a busy day planned – and that day does NOT include eating like this!