
It’s Cool To Start Over

One thing that I think debt reduction and losing weight have in common – It’s difficult to admit when it’s time to start over.

So, let’s all give ourselves permission, pick up right where we are, and do just that – start over.

Over the past several months, I’ve taken a break from “online” life.  Today, I woke up, and had that gut-feeling, the one that is just “there”, that it was time to get back to blogging and get back to losing weight.

I’ve done a decent job over the past six months and maintained, but I haven’t moved forward.

Today, I’ve had my eight cups of water.  I’ve been below my calorie-limit and I’ve gotten some good exercise.

Tomorrow will be filled with lots of fun-in-the-sun, and chances to eat grilled vegetables and fresh watermelon.

I’ll update later with my newest plans and goals.  Until then, it’s good to be back – and here’s to a healthier tomorrow!