Today’s workout went really well. In fact, it might have been the best workout I’ve ever had. Here’s what happened.
I started out with a five minute walk around the gym’s indoor track. I felt a little hungry – and this is how I like to feel, right before a workout. Not famished, but a little reptilian. I actually forgot to bring a bottle of water to the gym, so after each lap of the track, I’d take several sips from the water fountain. After warming up, and doing a bit of stretching, I hit the free weights.
Focusing on my back and my biceps and shoulders, I did several different types of curls and combination moves. I really thought about each movement, each repetition.
After completing the weight lifting portion of my workout, I considered quitting and going home, but I was feeling great. So, I decided to jump on the treadmill and work on Week 5, Day 1 of the Couch to 5K training program.
That’s when things turned from great to awesome.
On Day 1 of Week 5, the first running interval is to last 5 minutes. On Day 2, the first running interval lasts 8 minutes. On day 3, the interval lasts 20 minutes. Since I managed to squeeze an extra running session in Saturday, and I was coming off of two days of rest, I decided to skip Day 1 and move directly to Day 2.
As I passed the 5 minute mark, I noticed something. My breathing, instead of being rushed or ragged, was smooth, easy. My legs, instead of feeling heavy, tired, or sore, felt light and powerful. I kept running. I hit the 8 minute mark, and I still felt fresh, almost as if I were just having a nice walk. So, I decided to push on, and do the entire 20 minute run, without walking.
And it was easy.
Seriously, I just kept running and running, and my lungs felt great, my back felt great, my whole body felt great. I even ran past the 20 minute mark, and ran for an extra 2 minutes. I only stopped out of fear of over-training.
To put this into a little perspective, four months ago, I was struggling to run 2 minutes without stopping. Now, I’m running 10 times that long, and I’m ready for more. Granted, comparing myself to those who run marathons, I’m still a super-newbie. However, compared to the NCN of four months ago? I’m like an running-machine!
I’ll be very interested to see how I do Thursday. Frankly, I fully anticipate that Thursday will be harder than today, because today I had the benefit of two full days of rest. We shall see.