
Tomorrow, Things Are Back To Normal

My wife is an educator.  Tomorrow, she’ll head back to the classroom and our daily schedule will return to normal.  While I’m bummed that she has to go back to work, it’ll be good to have a bit more structure than I had during the summer.

I have decided to join a new gym!  I’m going to go early tomorrow morning and fill out the paperwork.  The gym is administered by a local hospital, so I’ll have to have some blood work done before I can begin to workout.  (This is actually a good thing.  Hopefully, I’ll come back with a clean bill of health!)

I’m trying to decide if I want to hire one of the personal trainers of I just want to go it on my own.  We’ll see.

2 thoughts on “Tomorrow, Things Are Back To Normal

  1. (Id love a trainer right about now. a crossfit expert please :))

    is your wife excited?
    I spend a lot of times in the schools and LOVE this tome of year…


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