
My First 5K (Kinda)

Today, I ran my first 5K.  Okay, not really, but I did manage to run / walk a full 3.1 miles, albeit indoors, on a treadmill.  I actually ran about 1.5 miles and walked 1.6 miles, but I did manage to cover the full 3.1 miles.  It took me 45 minutes and 16 seconds.

I’m not going to workout tomorrow.  My body needs some rest.  My abs are still a little sore from yesterday’s workout, and I don’t want to push myself too far, too fast.

Going the entire 3.1 miles gives me a better insight into what my first real 5K will be like.  The cool thing is, every day that I train my legs and my heart, I’m moving one step closer to actually running the full 3.1 miles.  I can feel, day by day, my body getting stronger.

The next time I go for 3.1 miles, I’ll do so outdoors, on the walking track.  I want to get used to running outdoors, which is a little harder, for me, than running on the treadmill.  Now I just need for it to get a tad bit warmer.

1 thought on “My First 5K (Kinda)

  1. I remember my first race. It was an awesome experience. You’ll find that the training is much harder than the actual event. Soon you’ll find yourself running the marathon like I did and enjoy running outside! Good luck to you! I look forward to seeing your progress!


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