
Establishing A Workable Routine

I have decided that the time has come – I must establish a workable routine – one that I can and will stick to.

Over the past few months, I’ve tried to “make time” for my workouts, by doing them whenever I could find the time.  For the first few months, this worked, because I was super-motivated and the pounds were coming off.  Over the last two months, I’ve been less motivated, and I’ve slipped, just a bit.  No more!

From now on, I will get up EARLY every morning, east a small breakfast, and then head to the gym.  I will no longer wait to see if I can find the time.  Instead, I will get up, and get moving.

Thankfully, my slacking off hasn’t lead to any weight gain – but it certaianly hasn’t lead to any weight loss.  I’ve caught myself in time!

So, tomorrow morning, the early blogger shall catch the worm!

To keep myself accountable, I will do a quick post, EACH morning, right before I go to the gym.  If you do not see that post here by 6:00 am, you have my permission to publicly scold me in the comments.  I’ll let you know how my scheduled, early morning workouts go.

1 thought on “Establishing A Workable Routine

  1. Excellent! Congratulations on establishing a new mind-set and on formulating a system for accountability. I’ll keep my eyes open to make sure you stay on track.

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