Whenever I face a challenge, I like to create a series of GOALS. Usually, I create short-,mid-, and long-term goals. Here are my short-term (less than two years) goals.
By the end of summer, 2007, I’d like to weigh less than 200 pounds, so that I can enjoy the beach and the pool.
By the end of summer, 2008, I’d like to reach my goal weight, so that I can enjoy rule the beach and the pool.
I want to be able to play soccer, tennis, golf, and touch-football, and only worry about “the game” and not “the weight”.
I want to smile big for the camera.
By the end of summer, 2008, I want to take a family photo, and stand in front!
I want to be the one who says, “I’ll wait up for you…”
I want to shoot below par. I want to shoot below par while wearing a size L, not a size XXL.
I have other goals, most of them of a much more personal nature. I think that it is important to visualize WHERE I want to go, and WHO I want to be, WHEN I get there. Then, I start to take the necessary steps for reaching my GOALS.
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