
Twinkie: Deconstructed This Book Will Change Your Life!

I’ve just finished reading Twinkie: Deconstructed by Steve Ettlinger. Let me tell you, don’t read this book unless you are prepared to rethink your relationship with moder food. Basically, Steve set out to study the ingredients in a Twinkie – and you will be AMAZED by his findings. I’ve read through the first half of the book and I’ve already decided to get rid of more than half of the foods that I regularly eat. Did you know that the vast multitude of vitamins you eat are created in huge vats in China? Did you know that they spray CHLORINE on white flour? Do you know how they make High Fructose Corn Syrup – a major ingredient in most modern foods? (Hint: Think vats of acid, boiling water, and thousands of bushels of corn… processed in 7-story high metal containers…)

I don’t care if you download audio book in iTunes, check the book out from your local library, borrow a copy from a friend, or purchase a copy from Amazon, you need to read this book.  (If you click through the link below, I’ll get an affiliate fee.)

I cannot OVERSTATE the impact of this book.

1 thought on “Twinkie: Deconstructed This Book Will Change Your Life!

  1. I couldn’t agree more. I was absolutely fascinated by the results of this guy’s research and all the other uses for the ingredients that have nothing to do with food.

    If you liked this book, you should check out “The Gospel of Food: Everything You Know About Food Is Wrong” by Barry Glasner. It’s now in the bargain priced section of Amazon but if you type in the keyword you’ll find it.

    I read “The Gospel of Food…” before “Twinkie…” and the Twinkie book only reinforced it.

    You’d be amazed at what we put in our bodies without a second thought!

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