Weigh In

Weigh In – 8.5 Pounds Lost – Plus, I Did Very Well This Weekend

This weekend, my wife, the kids and I were out of town, visiting some family.  I did very well.  I stuck with my plan and I didn’t overeat.  We also had a party at our church last night, and I simply nibbled on a few small pieces of meat and some pecans.  Again, instead of eating and eating, I nibbled just a bit and then had fun.

Weight as of this morning –


Caloric intake as of 2:45 PM


2 thoughts on “Weigh In – 8.5 Pounds Lost – Plus, I Did Very Well This Weekend

  1. Great job. Social events are my biggest struggle, but you’ve shown that they don’t have to be.

    A couple good lessons here:
    * The best thing about social occasions are the people, not the food
    * Food can be both enjoyed and controlled at the same time

    Thanks for the update!

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