Things worked out today and I actually had time to do two work outs, one this morning and one this evening.
Here’s my workout from this morning –
- 5 Minutes Warm Up On Indoor Walking Track
- 36 Minutes Interval Training On Elliptical
- 10 Minutes Ab Work Out
- 5 Minutes Cool Down On Indoor Walking Track
Here’s my workout from this evening –
- 5 Minutes Warm Up On Indoor Walking Track
- 34 Minutes Interval Training On Ski Machine
- 3 Sets Bench Press
- 3 Sets Chest Press
- 3 Sets Triceps Dumbbell Extensions
- 10 Minutes Stretching
- 5 Minutes Cool Down On Indoor Walking Track
When I walked in the door, the person behind the check-in counter asked, “Are you back for a double dose?” I had no idea that anyone had noticed that I had been to the gym this morning, so I just sorta nodded and mumbled, “Uh, yeah.”
A double dose.
Two months ago, it was rare for me to work out twice a week, much less twice in one day!
It’s happening.
I’m finally locked in.
I’m actually doing this.
Rock on.
Hey, before you go, please consider subscribing to No. Calories Needed. Whenever I see those subscriber numbers go up, I get even more motivated. And if you are already a subscriber, you totally rock!